Monday, April 25, 2011

Crash Bandicoot Figur


Do any of you have not heard about the notorious reality show called "Tap Madl?;) I think most of us have watched even one episode out of curiosity ... In this post, but there will be no question here, in my opinion, not very successful Polish version of this program, but an American original, which is the last in my czasozabijaczem ;).

history of this program goes back far enough, because until 2003, this time aired 15 seasons, the sixteenth is currently in progress. For 8 years the show scrolled through about 200 girls of different races, different skin color and of different origins. Their goal is only one (in three forms) taken to win a contract with modeling agency, sign a contract with a famous cosmetics company (Revlon, Sephora, Cover Girl) and become a top model. The program keeps famous American top model Tyra Banks.

honestly, I never zainteresowałabym this program, if not a great buzz around the Polish version of the show. Tvn `levels sick blockbuster highest correlation at all, and presence" Dżoany 'Groats in the detail I wanted to know the original. I watched a few episodes i. .. disappeared altogether.

American version of the show features real verve and panache, which was so much missed Top Model. Become a model. We can admire the creations from top designers, fashion shows with real, professional photo shoots with famous photographers. Interestingly, girls who are eligible to the program, it's not a classic beauty, Barbie candy or skinny logs, but often zakompleksione, far from the ideals podlotki who are just in the program undergo a real metamorphosis. Of course, there are also zadzierających nose wszystkowiedzących damulek, no but what would a reality show without the typical babskich intrigue and jumping each other's eyes ;))).

a great pleasure to watch always shoots and their final effects as assessed by the jury after photos. Every time I am truly impressed by the ingenuity of the writers, stylists, and above all make-up artists (!). I often have the impression that the creators of the show deliberately exploit weaknesses of the individual participants to make the program more exciting. If any of the candidates for the top model has objections against the display of her body, in the next session will certainly have to occur in the costume of Eve, if you suffer from arachnophobia, her companion during photoshootingu will undoubtedly be a great tarantula, if you have fear of heights, will be forced to hang in harness over the precipice, etc., etc. We know that nothing sells better as a human fear, tears and intrigue.

On the one hand, thanks to reality show started more interested in fashion, we will gladly look through magazines such as Vogue, Elle or your style, I begin to associate more and more names from the world of fashion and photography. On the other hand annoys me the very idea of \u200b\u200ba reality show where girls are often humiliated and ridiculed by the evaluators, and yet so eager for success that endure almost any inconvenience with a smile on his face. Whether posing in the cold in a swimsuit, or with the beast at his side, whom they fear or panic brzydzisz, no matter For the first time in my life undressing in front of a group of strangers that you hold to a completely alien, half-naked guy, got to be happy, because the model does not have anything to say ...
recommend watching this program with a slight pinch eye, do not take everything seriously and enjoy it the best, which is fabulous costumes, make-up and great pictures. Show is also a great study of American society and its mentality;).

Finally, just for flavor, some pics of all the great faworytki viewed I have been seasons - Ann Ward:

And you what do you think about this type of reality show? You liked the Polish version of the program? Oglądałyście U.S.? I am curious about your opinions:)))

PS For anyone interested: sections of America `s Next Top Model are easily available on YouTube, you need only type the right words in the search;).


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