Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Getwell Poem To Grandma

"Hello Earth! Tu Solaris Gate ..." said marketing consulting

Honest, I do not know if it seriously. Looking at the entries on the blog , I would say that begs. Are even less serious and meaningful than mine. But maybe I'm biased and too conservative. Can actually plans to publish the best of world revolution emotkami and exclamation points. Finally, there heads a spec from the image and influence. Why not really the best way to convince the company to the robustness and meaningfulness of their transfer to the account is 200 euros a movie on YouTube documenting how he personally CEO pomyka iPhonea to shop, which was to be the prize in a competition for kids on Twitter. On the other hand Puls announced this week that it entered the stock market. It's a bit more complicated matter.
Oh, until I tremble at the thought that this is no joke, but I am not a target audience. Quite seriously sad. If everyone immortal just not me, it will fall on the bank of the company.

If you have not heard of Solaris Gate to Infinity SA, I will tell. Yes, as I understood. Although I admit that I have not met yet been with the company and the project so far limiting his message to the impressions, hunches and intuition only. It's a bit like I'm trying to relate a mystical experience or a dream. However, I will try. Own words.

It came to light that Andrzej Lepper had no chance in politics because of his image of them completed only worked after hours. His stamina pożytkował primarily at the garage where the two kuplami more than a decade as secret diabolical plan was developed by seizure of the world. Now we are giving away, because just completed. Make a whole are using sophisticated weapons and advanced multiplatform constructed by the underrated (because Polish) brilliant programmers, which are carefully selected and well-trusted professionals. Multi-platform is intended to encourage primitive fossilized stagnant for two thousand years, resistant to the evolution of emotional and unable to communicate population inhabits the planet Earth to ignite a revolution. The revolution will not be bloody, God forbid. This is to be truly humanistic revolution, after which we will become more aware and better. (It smells Transhumanism, in the next post to remind Dr. Nick Bostrom in the commentary, it is better to know what to prepare.)
read what I found, watched videos and came to me that Solaris Gate will be something of a museum. Exhibits We will (if pay). Part of the project online'owa probably wipe out the market for Google, Apple'owe mobile.me and Facebook, because I was designed so that each user can copy the server everything is possible - pictures of first communion, holiday movies, recordings of his voice etc. It must also be some degree search, because it was announced that Solaris Gate learn from you how to connect your facts. Supposedly there to give you the address of the nearest geographically minded people like you (it only will the new dimension of loneliness!). The platform will be an artificially intelligent, so it will be learn from you, developing itself for the good of all. It is reportedly very Klawe. I e-learning. I would have called it differently, because to earth - it's as if you sent in marketing consulting my kid to learn. Rather, he should pay me, not I to him. It's the same thing, after all - the kids also educates the public good. Apparently Linden Lab has done the same, it earns on a product created by users. But they at least kept up appearances and make available a free account. Well, we'll see.
probably the thing that people have to want it go, because it seems that they promised would be a sense, immortal. Not literally. Is not the point that, as to create an account in Solaris Gate, it will not die. The point is that you will be saved in a database. Do not think only that the needs of advertisers and other hunters of your data! It is rather a little "exegi monumentum perennius aerea. I like your grandchildren will want to talk to you, it reconstructs the platform and you'll be able to ask, as there is in school. Of course, you will not, because you'll be dead, but babies can rejoice that you're interested. Who knows.
add flavor to whole DNA bank in the real world. Gather from Your hair and nails and survive (hopefully not in the garage, where they sat last year) for better times, when technology develops a little further and you will be born anew. I wonder if this service will also include those less than 200 euros. Something tells me that the company that figures out how to do it, it will not work charity. (Update - I forgot that I will be returning after the revolution and the humanities, one hundred percent will be revive free of charge).

Anyway bolt falls. On the night of Sunday to Monday closed call for betatesterów. The world today announced the lucky 100 will be able to immortalize itself as the first. Who knows if the rest of his countrymen will not come to stand in line, an interesting company because apparently markets do not include ours. That is probably due to both the company's website (http://www.infinitysa.pl/) and the same project (http://solarisgate.pl/) has only the Polish language version. Well, unless announced 'soon' is a little longer than ordinary. Once again falls to say - we'll see. Meanwhile, carefully watching, or something in the end will be shown on http://www.infinitysa.com/.
But if this is no joke and if you actually have a way out is to become global, it will be a heap of laughter and confusion. Although I humbly I will stay only temporarily, and watching the good old methods and gratuitous donation of their data.


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