Saturday, January 2, 2010

Food And Insulin Chart

Small Anthology of Digital Worlds

My train on New Year's Eve outside the four prepaid, scheduled in bonus he gave me two more hours. Without current in the field, in the cold and darkness complete. What could I do, how not to play.

The killing time, so I submitted a small anthology of clips online'owe 3D advertising platform, social networks, the so-called virtual worlds. Did not take account of all of course. Suggested these conclusions from my conversations with former Morrigan, which can be summarized by a short sentence - "if that's where the worlds are not We heard to say that is not important."
It is a simplified and generic version of what time we reached, but the train for fun sufficient. I chose a platform in my opinion significant, showing there any trends in the development of VR. Not only, therefore, that my little anthology is extremely subjective, it is for the broken completely wszelakimi cuts and comments, and not very factual.
Oh, my own reflections on the subject.


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