Sunday, December 27, 2009

Does Th Cervix Get Lower When Pregnant?

See how others see you - Google Browser Size

broke down hands over my blogger Template. Of course, I still maintain that it is beautiful, but a new tool from Google - Browser Size - not too gently gave me to understand how annoyingly she must appear at least half of Internet users.
As its name suggests, the Browser Size provides us with data on the size of the browser window of potential visitors to our sites. Suggests the same, where they should appear the most relevant data (upper left corner of this comes out somehow.) In my case it seems irrelevant, since, and so 50% of you need scrolling, żeby przedrzeć się przez nagłówek.
No cóż, postanowiłam naprawiać swój świat, więc zabieram się za przetemplatkowywanie. Jeśli komuś też zechce się sprawdzać, czy jego pisaniny są przyjazne dla środowiska, to warto przy okazji wklepać swój URL na  (wiem, że alternatyw jest masa, ale tutaj akurat mi się podoba, bo na końcu całymi prostymi zdaniami mówią, co masz poprawić).

Jeśli mój blog nagle przestanie działać, or else it falls apart, it means that przefajnowałam.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Do Women Like Pantie Wedge

James Cameron's Avatar

Before the premiere Avatar was hailed as a breakthrough in the history of cinema as the introduction of sound and color. I must admit that embittered skepticism towards promises (especially technology) is increasing at an alarming rate to me, providing clear about my age, but the body defend against festive overeating, not to call it by its name corrosion, remnant forces expelled me from the table and ran into the night, zapędzając ultimately only one available on the first day of Christmas shrine - the cinema. I admit I was curious effects, because the director since the Titanic definitely do not trust.
Why Avatar supposed to be so unusual? For special effects, which this time was to be unnoticeable. Went about it, so viewers did not realize that is not looking. To this effect, Cameron has benefited from assistance and augmented reality an improved method of recording the movements and facial expressions of the actors. Instead of many months of computer application has already finished costumes for the production, evaluated the effects of live work, just after finishing the shot.
film was recorded in two versions. Traditional and stereoscopic 3D images consisting of left and right eyes away from each other międzysoczewkowe, allowing to capture the depth of 6 cm.

wonder whether the director was satisfied. Rather, it should, because in fact convincing results. Special effects proved to be so natural, so as not to distract attention from the story. The viewer's attention, because hardly a screenwriter. Guest Post that the was a new Dancing with Wolves are definitely too merciful. That dot in dot Pocahontas, only not with the red, and blue in the lead role. And unfortunately, no matter how beautiful the pictures would be, it's hard to sit two and a half hours, if you know exactly what will happen next.

entire focus So I moved her to bits and pieces (only because I used to not leave the cinema), for example, to capture moments in which the first three-dimensional plan seemed to fall so far in the audience that the labels would hide behind him, inside the world of filmed. Sensational effect. Or the exhilaration of discovery that in the XXII century, having equipped to colonize distant planets, is still in the face of lurking in the darkness of the wild beasts will kindle a fire breakers up (to the dismay of the audience) matches. Or will the darkness in itself - a strange kind of solipsism is the principal Preaching hero for a few minutes of his life-threatening shares seen quite dark shining all the other forest. But never mind about my method of watching movies, in which bored.

Avatar has one great advantage. It made her the world - the moon Pandora in the Alpha Centauri system. If someone turns off for aesthetic reasons in Second Life 'glow', it's not like him. Beguiled me slightly. Another version of the Garden of Eden, in which all living things, combined energy is flowing in a huge network. Klawe. It is a pity that in such a vivid and intense scene was pushed so banal black-and-white story. Corporations are evil, war is bad, greed is bad, white people (Americans?) Are evil, wild color are good, nature is good, the noble struggle in defense of home and values, in which he believes is good. (By the way I refer only to discover Angry Black Man ). Do not want to join the chorus of hand wringing over the quality of the Hollywood film, but somehow in the midst of my regret that so beautiful special effects wasted on so niewciągającą and simplified the story.

Finally, starting from the cinema, I was quite convinced that, as I do not like Sigourney Weaver (after spending the night before already several years ago with the gorillas in the mist), so I admit it right - Pandora's flora and fauna is the only thing worthy of attention.

I was also convinced of one thing yet. 3D movies is that I have a very deep somewhere. They can become experts from the photos on his head - until the cinema screen is just flat rectangle in front of chairs, as long as I do not need a three-dimensional. I just do not believe that I am there in the middle. But that's another story.

more about the science behind the fantastic visions of worms - Discovery News

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Elliptical Machine Infiniti Eurosport St950

Happy holidays

From me, of course, wishes as AR. If someone wanted to see how they look, unfortunately, need to print them and go -> HERE .

doggy dinner

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Diagram Labelling Parts Of A Ship

Augmented Reality Professor Sid

Augmented Reality by Toyota
recoiling autko quite efficiently with a new advertising campaign for Toyota

Waiting for the laundry for me yesterday acquired a new dimension. Because what you can do at this time? In my favorite laundry Cafe Frances while rinsing produce coffee, the spin can play cards, and drying time to check messages on Onet.
Yesterday, however, find with the head of a new sanctuary Grześ entertainment. Augmented Reality. For me the money somehow subjectively grew faster for him ... Well, every print shop owner happens to be the moment when he would prefer that customers come another time.

Augmented Reality, that is, augmented reality, is - according to Wiki - a system that combines the real world with computer generated. Typically used the camera image is superimposed on that generated in real-time 3D graphics. "
Virtually all the versions of 'home' is to use a computer with a webcam website and absorbing countless print black ink markers. Printed page - set in the field of view camera - uses the Flash Platform and enables the machine to 'see' the computer vision technology (library ARToolKit under the GNU GPL), which generate three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawing and fit into them in the image being captured by our camera.

Besides professionally prepared model Toyota tried homemade globe with The Pixel Farm and several less successful stupidity. Much of the Internet, where anyone interested will find no problem.

It's in case someone thought,
that giving fetuses the development of civilization in the hands of the masses
make our world better

more practical, though less impressive at this point a version for phones based on Adroidzie displays bezmarkerowych, 'labelujących' caps on the world around us. With the GPS, and all manner of kompasom you can locate the nearest shops, restaurants, museums, etc. Users of iPhones have slightly worse, because Apple blocked the (supposedly to make OS 3.1), all from non-public API, but for them appeared recently Wikitude which, thanks to service allows you to add your own site. Although the danger of littering, but with proper filtering, can provide information not only tourism and shopping. A little scary, but if he had actually entered into the public lens announced contact with something like Head Mounted Display for Augmented Reality imposing what we see walking the streets and would combine it with already applied facial recognition and podlinkować each to his account on Facebook and our-Class ...
Well, I've always been of the opinion that one day I'll go down to the underworld, or dwell in the wilderness.

heap I watched movies about how AR is used in the presentation of mock-ups of new housing developments, plans another dam, as chosen in this way a new dress, new pair of glasses and a sofa with a glass to the living room. And as for my taste, the world Business has definitely do not need any Second Life'ów or any Blue: the Mars. Virtual objects for real's coming yet somehow they are more than people przełykalne wczołgujący the angular avatars to digital worlds.

Removing far-reaching applications for the sharp contrast between the world of "pretend" and the world "really" based on Second Life and MMORPGs like him will probably be a mistake. The next trend (fashion technology), so far only considered in the theory and literature, is here because what I call OVR: Ortho-Virtual Reality. This is not a simple duality of virtual-real, but applying to the real world of infinitely many modifications, to varying degrees, perceived by humans altering experience. The opposition is overcome, the transition between real and artificial (true and false) is continuous. Since then, the ontology of this longer need to apply multi-valued logic, fuzzy. The liberation of meat is followed by fractions, small step by step. No dramatic choices: first life and Second Life. I do not even perceive, do not feel that moment when the soul comes out of the body and leave the field of matter.
Jacek Dukaj, Minus body , September 2007

Friday, December 11, 2009

Diy Curtain Rod Clawfoot Tub

visit to the island UMCS

the SL at that blog, University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska stirred. And in honor of Linden, because I feared the worst. Announced in early September since the end of the nap was only a momentary awakening when turning on the other side.

I realize that the busy academic avatars, but the effects of their krwawicy, closed on private servers are unavailable to residents of fatal, so it's hard to appreciate.
time, however, wipe off the dust from the Lublin town houses, because on Wednesday by the Cracow Gate enters the market itself Academia father, a professor Myoo Sidey. Will talk about Ten truths about the world of electronic you have written, which he published was also the summer-autumn of last year's edition of "Film Quarterly . I wonder if the truth evolved from a time when almost exactly a year ago presented them during the inauguration of the conference room Polish Republic . Anyhow, I will come willingly and joyfully do not agree with them again. I believe that Sid forgive.

Well, very nice that the university each of us remembered.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Difference Flight Simulator Gold And Deluxe

quantum mysticism

gather to write this post for almost two weeks. But it seems that gaps in knowledge so I am unable to smoothly complete. So tell me is how the unfortunate position of my arrived, hoping that someday someone will read me a competent and bored enough to be carried away by the tutor.

Well, I came to stand in front of people who wanted to hear the story from the beginning. Avatar does not apply to their discussions about whether Second Life is a game or not. "From the beginning," is from the beginning, say, from the ontology. I sighed heavily and is displeased. How can we talk about what is, since I do not know what and how is it? Guess? Yet I see at every step, that what is real for me, is true to the caller and you can argue for hours about the same, agreeing on a grid of concepts, muttering "idiot" under his breath (resp. shouting in his face in moments of rapture and impatience). The fight with the windmills in the attitude of the evangelical version of "know better" and convert the infidels to their truth does not take me (pause here for bows for always knowing better J. Shuftana, big applause for the unwavering perseverance). It has long sense of communication discern only admiring incomprehension, or even better - to understand the illusory. Except that the practical consequences of this approach are quite troublesome. Deadlock. Because what I'm supposed to say to these people? We chose to go and what the more fit and in a virtual reality podczepili ...?

I wanted to do the job quickly, without going into the dilemmas of the table of contents Tatarkiewicz, for fear that I would have to deal with, producing vomiting in my theory, that the VR fruwała somewhere in the realm of ideal entities. And then I remembered Klawe phrase from the movie, which I do not like:
What do you mean "real"? How can you define "reality"? If you're talking about what you feel, what you can smell, taste or see, the reality is just electrical impulses interpreted by your brain.
(Morpheus, The Matrix Part 1.)

clapped her hands with joy. So I find it pretty przypasowało.
As for the screen TV watching decoded data sent from the transmitter, so in this quiet, dark and cozy place so our brains decode the image, chairs, table and niedojedzonego rozbabranego dinner on a plate. The whole world made up of wavy beautiful and harmonious energy. Then there would be no ontological difference between virtual and actual reality, well, maybe except that the former would be decoded in two stages.

For the record, I sent the conclusions of his revelation to Dr. Xi. Responded by threatening a finger - "is that E = mc ^ 2, does not mean that no matter no fool you! Your idea could be validated only my Subjective Theory of Relativity. But I will not, because the theory of command gave up "(loose paraphrase of the content of e-mail).

Unfortunately, I was flat in the meantime, the deep divisions bizarre internet after a visit which is not enough that almost made my attempts to bend the spoon, it's still on Facebook, I started getting calls from the Illuminati.
a few days thinking I quite smoothly sailed toward the problems of interpretation of quantum measurements. There is something attractive and gripping the mouth. I know this is nothing new, but the perspectives from the mystical, even if not very scientific (who said that everything always has to be scientific) is definitely a fascinating enough that we were leaning over him, accompanied by a few beers.

Of course refers to the old experiment with two slits and przepuszczonymi by electrons, which behave differently when left to themselves, and different when someone looking at them. This strange for me and better than the best episodes of X-Files
Elektron, like Padre Pio, may be in several places at once. What's more - it is. And not a few, and all possible. Without dilemmas, without loss and the need to declare anything. I mean and what to choose when you can have it all? Occam's Razor seems to be just we need. Why, well-behaved electron to be adjusted, and when you look at it, reduce all their united into one - just this, to which we look. That would at least look as so. Copenhagen interpretation of Niels Bohr.

- There is one thing, I do not understand - said Alice. (Strictly speaking, this was not true, because there were many things that are not understood, and their number increased at an alarming pace, but one thing puzzled her in the highest degree). - You say that the world is normally found in this strange mixture of different states, which is reduced to one specific state when it happens that you - as the conscious mind - will look into this world. I suppose that anyone can in this way mean that something happens to the real. So what happens to the minds of other people?
- Nie wydaje nam się, abyśmy rozumieli, o co ci chodzi - odpowiedział Cesarz dobitnie, ale w tym momencie wtrącił się Nauczyciel.
- Może ja spróbuję rozwinąć pytanie tej młodej damy. Mówiliśmy wcześniej o elektronach przechodzących przez dwie szczeliny. Przypuśćmy, że zrobiłbym fotografię pokazującą elektron w trakcie przechodzenia przez jedną lub drugą szczelinę. Jeśli dobrze rozumiem, utrzymywałby pan, że skoro fotografia może pokazać, iż elektron znalazł się w którejkolwiek ze szczelin, to musi ona pokazać, it was both. Photographic film is not the conscious mind and not been able to reduce the wave function, the video would appear, therefore, two different pictures. Now suppose I'd do a few copies of this photograph, not looking at any of them. Can you say, now that every copy will also contain a mixture of different images, each of which corresponds to the transition of the electron by another slot?
- Yes - Emperor replied cautiously. - We believe that this would happen.
- If this were and if all the prints were sent to different people, the person who first opened the envelope and look at the picture, will make an image of this mixture becomes a real image, and all the other disappear?
Emperor nodded again.

(Robert Gilmore, Alice in Quantum )

Schrodinger's Kitten Wikipedia
(If someone does not appreciate the importance of this experiment,
its practical use has been eloquently shown -> HERE ).

world is like this evil inside a box with poison Schrödinger kitten. Before the box does not open and did not check to see how she, pet can be, and so it is alive and dead simultaneously.
Well, only about that the story has continued.

Immanuel charming even remember? Because that I associated the.

In physics, it is not easier - John von Neumann (the one on game theory) decided to come to the conclusion that in the conduct referred to above on quantum measurements of the same takes place in the consciousness of the person conducting the experiment. Shortly thereafter, Bauer and London go a step further, arguing that the entire reduction in general only makes human consciousness. The observer became part of the experiment. Observing creates.
And boom!
Are the consequences should not be overwhelming!
This means that up to us where the electron states will keep it real and do?
not, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed", but those who believed they saw. I have created a world. Just like that.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Chance Of Pregnancy After Polyps Are Removed

Alan Watts and the whole world go 'hoon poom-poom-poom-hoon-poom "

wdepnęłam quite accidentally in recording with Alan Watts of . I have no idea when and where it was held, but the content (Especially the ending) appealed to me immensely, because it fits the melody in my blog. I put this.
Podoklejałam even subtitles! (To not have an account on any of the servers przetrzymujących audio, not udźwignęłabym another password). Although the translations are not undertake.

nice reception.

"Life is a game, the first rule of Which Is That IT IS NOT A GAME" - Alan Watts

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bacon Grease Out Of Carpet

Nieświeżo. This time, the ownership

Tiaa ... I'm sentimental like hell

It's been over a month since Philip Rosedale announced his separation from Linden Lab.
Well ok, maybe not so drastically and definitely called it, but we know that not so directs the reader's thoughts toward metaphor wyfruwającego chick from the nest and not after it announced the departure of full-time stand over him to return.
In Second Life Blog got a second bit sentimental and slightly sentimental. Speakers at the stars and dignitaries poniektóre pixel little world. To thank the little, little cheer, and usually there to be proud of. So, as always. Irrelevant.

tell the truth, and I gave up when the mood. I started to browse the old pages, load a previously omitted details.
Subjectively viewed, it was worth it. For such a chaotic and aimless clicking, I found something quite, quite handsome and strongly suitable for the first post after a long break - Linden Lab's version of the site prior to the day almost exactly six years, which proudly announced formal platform to give Residents the right to be self created Content, (to click and see for yourself -> HERE.) Skipped a year on - and indeed, "OWN" lights in the main menu page . What's cooler, not only as Creative Commons announced pinned to dresses, hair and chairs, but "own" ostemplowujące "island".
I know that much about the outworn and przewałkowany thousands of times, but somehow the story does not give me peace. I have a penchant for utopia and the sound of pianos disintegrating the pavement (or just like me, Philip, and thus I like everything he says, as a painter friend who recently discovered a correlation between their favorite poems and the beauty of their authors.)
In practice, almost everything looked as the original CEO of Linden Lab said, and what was recorded and networked. Beautiful primer for morning coffee.
built up me with that pretty little sentimental picture of a shy boy, who had no friends, for it was onerous for parents passion to break down and submit a new thing in the immediate area (knocked me the idea to do a la Star Trekowego entry to your room from the door of garage class).

Was not a wonderful idea to play the world with some sort of atoms, the smallest particles that can be freely modified and made into a larger whole, without the costs and consequences in real hard, so ot just for fun anymore? Idea with potential for seduction of a large part of humanity, is not it?
Sure you can. Why, on a wave of excitement to Philip announced that the variety is what you create in-world is yours. I flaps. As the first dance the bride and groom at a wedding - the beginning of the end ...
liberal capitalism goes hand in hand with a strong, protecting and controlling the central government. Or maybe he only Lindenom did not go.
remember Mr. Bragg? Lawyer who has gotten the manipulative methods to areas inaccessible to mortals, and SL website nakupił the land for $ 300 instead of over three times as much? Rude, this one is not disputed (even his counsel.) Except that a punishment was an overstatement. If anyone does not remember, remember - they locked him Lindeni account, thus taking away all that is valuable and worth living. They were allowed?
"Well. Not even the United States Goverment gets away with that." - shook his finger, his lawyer and went to court.
case ended in a confidential settlement before final appeal, but Judge Eduardo C. Robreno had time to let us know what Linden Lab thought. If someone wants one can read about it -> HERE \u0026lt;-. If someone does not want to, I will say only that the uniqueness of Second Life has proved to be its greatest weakness. Consent to have made the SL had no competition in the market, yet they accept Tosu was the only way to access the platform, which (as I patiently explained to Lincoln), indicates that this TOS is an arbitration clause. From what I understood not until the end of it fits smoothly with the law, because if it was not the judge Robreno in May 2006, recognizes his then binding of a legally non-binding version, setting it somewhere in the vicinity of other things of this world are considered ridiculous and using weaker.

It is interesting that the point of which went - "Linden has the right at any time for any reason or no reason to suspend or terminate your Account, terminate this Agreement, and / or refuse any and all current or future use of the Service without notice or liability to you "- then the 7.1 remains in force without change, except that the shifted to the position of 2.6.
Anyone know why?

Consequently, the whole adventure of Second Life remains imagined and created , though no longer owned by its Residents , and the motto "Your world. Your Imagination" with each new modification of the website has fallen, and almost exhausted, and finally disappeared completely in the black version of M Linden.
Filip something explained and explained, especially when dywagacjach blog about the new version of the Tao of Linden (which also adds up to quite an extensive a talk) but somehow, without a word and a former passion. At the end of a clearing house such a climate slightly powspominał Burning Man festival - the inspiration for his concept of virtual community - and said goodbye.
He went to the new P Squared these games, and BBC took the overlap in the head, what happened to this once announced as a product of the revolution known as Second Life (beginning with his article on the lovely "Once upon a time ... ").

completely omit the issue of another newspaper outcry about the death of VR, especially on the face of SL. I think rather of Philip - and it's surprisingly very romantic. Nohow because otherwise I call it not proper, when somehow tasteless to my mind, that he truly recognized his three years ago now I had to propaganda to enjoy Second Life, which he abandons. Something is expired? That something is outdated? Because if so, maybe better to go where he goes?
If only told where to ...

Office of Philip on the island of P Squared;

if anyone wants to biureczko next to continues recruitment for the new company former CEO of Linden Lab

Ps for the curious and insightful, and too lazy to look for yourself, dessert - the first and pristine Beta ToS.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Auction Japan Outboard

Terminator insomnia

I found was that when another sleepless night in a row, the most interesting pastime appears to be waiting for the day. Developers from Xeric Design also probably have to be this sentence, because they gave the world earthdesk, the "award-winning dynamic desktop application, which is replacing the classic wallpaper on your desktop, lets you see updated every few minutes, the line between day and night. The word that is the best addicting game that I've seen!

earthdesk from Xeric Design

earthdesk is cool, nice, colorful, allows podczepiać webcam at various points of the Earth (or non-Earth) and is also able to raise the adrenaline, for updating the image, also includes clouds, which means that sitting at home, we have a chance to be witnesses of the nascent tornado or typhoon.
However, it has a fundamental flaw - it is paid. And as it is neither going to pay a premium for their insomnia, nor smiles I miss the beginning of the apocalypse by hindering the visibility of the subtitles like it was just a demo, I put in the effort to look for scarce version.

OSXplanet from Gabriel Otte

I quickly came
that my new toy is based on is used to render images of the solar system xplanet program, thus becoming the exclusive twin brother free, fully devoted to mob OSXplanet (download on the project site does not work, I propose to draw from - > here ). I admit that the more visually appeal to me fell earthdesk, but the addition of the planets surrounding compensate the loss.
But to not be too rosy - OSXplanet also has a drawback. Unfortunately it will not move either on Linux or on Windows. Sorry Winnetou.

Monday, October 26, 2009

How Can I Load A Snowmobile In My Pick Up Truck

Point'n'Click adventure in the style of Czech surrealism, which is an alternative to solitaire and minesweeper during working hours

Last weekend I spent examining in detail the quad-thesis of one of the graduates of the Prague Academy of Fine Arts. The professors were not happy, I'm quite the opposite. Not me one thing clear. Dvorsky Cuba after all, lived to see the fans, students and followers.

Samorost by Amanita Design

first part of a Flash game Samorost was founded in 2003. Czech fearless gnome to come face with a private version of Armageddon connection with Independence Day and become a cross for a moment Bruce Willis and The Little Prince. Two years later the stranger returned. For shorter (szabry / pacht, or whatever in your pages is said to unauthorized tours of the orchard neighbor) and a dog guarding zadarli, condemning us to kilkulevelową rescue mission.
story, however, does not matter. In general, little is important in this game. There is no dialogue, no inventory. The only thing we get is solvable refined and entrancing using point-and-click puzzle in a surreal cartoon scenery combines with pictures reais nature of our friends from the bottom of the map. A charming absurdity of solutions seems to be, incidentally, to emerge directly from the hallucinogenic mushroom in the Amanita Design logo .

Simplicity as always recognized. Tom has included a Slovak and the Springtail Studio which - admitting publicly to having two main components, namely a fascination Samorost and a huge amount of images of nature - decided in 2006 to produce something yourself. In other words, the feast of the world has a copy of the game in Cuba. The result, named after another caller zwidy and hallucinations plants - Haluz, in the opinion of some ( vide Ayumi) surpassed the original.
Convention and the rules exactly the same. Scenography just playing, the plot also marginal. In the first part of the force we risk a dangerous mission to rescue TV antenna dish, the second helping (I think) living being, or at least able to send us a note by mail bird asking for intervention. No matter (which has an interesting ethical implications, but less for it).

Tom's success motivated to continue working. He founded the company with a buddy, and this year we uraczyli Another game, providing a too busy eating drugs. Alchemy concept is based on the form of an alchemist, of course, who found a method to refer to the existence of souls. Stuffs them in a mechanical robot body and sent into the world. Laugh when axillary.
From what I read on the blog guys planning on an extended version of Alchemy earn a little money. But it turned out that they must first make a patch - target did not accept the experimentally added to the game dialogues ...
-> Alchemy

The Blue Beanie by Daphne Lim

Another Samorost is a clone created in 2008 by Daphne Lim history of the blue caps kidnapped by a magpie in love. Some sort of anxiety makes me the main protagonist of the game (God forbid, not the title). Looks like a little snowman, but live in hollows in the tree right next to the well, which he rounded bugs. I went a whole, but aware that there is a shadow of probability, that just takes on the form of larvae, somehow left something of a slight distaste.
-> The Blue Beanie

epigones taplają While still in widokówkowych scenes trunks, branches and pebbles, Cuba inventor abandoned an initial plan to return to the third part Samorostu. He came out the better for it, because your child for this year - Machinarium - took home a prize at the Independent Games Festival . Distinguished him in the category of Excellence in Visual Art and it's hard to disagree. Demo available for free, so I recommend. Since I have a lot of work, surely tempt the full version. I'll have that cool.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

What Does Fic Stamp Mean On Jewelry

Poland Republic of CC?

sad autumn evenings seem to customize some sentimental, and though I can not say that the combination of in one sentence the words "bored" and "The Republic of Poland," aroused my admiration, Max is an idea for tackling this first one, yes. Sentimental.

Picture borrowed from galleries Max

"And I think to myself that although the Republic OpenSim'ie could exist." - Max wrote to me, and I myself thought the answer "well why not, even today, that he wants." I'm not sure what is the mind, but it looks to me like a sort of museum / cemetery / monument. We'll see (If not leave reconstruc enthusiasm.)
From what I saw in the pictures, alleys have been arranged, and the palace is under construction. I just hope that he will sit on that throne, no one else, as he builder.

More blog Max.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Strong Pulse Could U Vw Pregnant

Adam Emanuel (Radio Propaganda) - Freedom (Stand up and Fight)

wrote in the Saturday 17 Oct 2009 along with the drummer Boban piece. Very quickly, she went over it we work. 99% of the track was formed in half an hour the text in the quarter. Then I went back to the house and 2 days digesting it in my head - I recorded two versions sound even day after day. The below is the second, from Monday 19 October, 2009.

I hope that whoever comes to my blog and I hope you will like him in August this song.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How Many Calories Doe A Slice Of White Pizza Have

Past Carin '

It is very strange as you naszukałem this text - though we live in the Internet era. But it's my fault because I was sure that by A. Banjo Patterson.

Past Carin'
by Henry Lawson
1867-1922, written in 1899

Now up and down the siding brown
The great black crows are flyin',
And down below the spur, I know,
Another `milker's' dyin';
The crops have withered from the ground,
The tank's clay bed is glarin',
But from my heart no tear nor sound,
For I have gone past carin' —
Past worryin' or carin',
Past feelin' aught or carin';
But from my heart no tear nor sound,
For I have gone past carin'.

Through Death and Trouble, turn about,
Through hopeless desolation,
Through flood and fever, fire and drought,
And slavery and starvation;
Through childbirth, sickness, hurt, and blight,
And nervousness an' scarin',
Through bein' left alone at night,
I've got to be past carin'.
Past botherin' or carin',
Past feelin' and past carin';
Through city cheats and neighbours' spite,
I've come to be past carin'.

Our first child took, in days like these,
A cruel week in dyin',
All day upon her father's knees,
Or on my poor breast lyin';
The tears we shed — the prayers we said
Were awful, wild — despairin'!
I've pulled three through, and buried two
Since then — and I'm past carin'.
I've grown to be past carin',
Past worryin' and wearin';
I've pulled three through and buried two
Since then, and I'm past carin'.

'Twas ten years first, then came the worst,
All for a dusty clearin',
I thought, I thought my heart would burst
When first my man went shearin';
He's drovin' in the great North-west,
I don't know how he's farin';
For I, the one that loved him best,
Have grown to be past carin'.
I've grown to be past carin'
Past lookin' for or carin';
The girl that waited long ago,
Has lived to be past carin '.

My eyes are dry, I can not cry,
I've got no heart for breakin 'WHERE
But it was in days gone by,
A dull and empty Achin'. My last boy
wounds away from me,
I know my temper's wearin ',
But now I only wish to be
Beyond all signs of carin'. Past
wearyin 'or carin',
Past feelin 'and despairin';
And now I only wish to be
Beyond all signs of carin '.

refer you for more information about the author:

http://www. / pastcarin.html

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Right Arm Pain With Rash


SFUSION BAND is a four disc fairly well-known Polish musicians, fugitive for virtuosos - Marek Surzyn - drums, Waldemar Lewandowski - guitar, Marek Hojda - keyboards, and Chris Tadej - bass. Upload it because this material is very difficult to obtain, and we know it. Shared the music fills the borderline of jazz, rock, pop, funky - very nicely played and recorded.

"How I personally like because it playing SFUSION BAND guitarist Waldemar Lewandowski remind his silhouette:

jazz-rock guitarist, composer, arranger, session musician, lecturer
, concerts, recordings, workshops, participation in the performances of theatrical and television

favorite streams of jazz: , rock, blues

remark drew criticism Nuclear WASTE (composed of Waldemar Lewandowski - guitar, Marek
Surzyn - drums, Wojtek Pilichowski - bass) and plate SFUSION BAND (1995)
(composed by Waldemar Lewandowski-guitar, Mark Surzyn - Drums, Chris
Tadej - bass, Marek Hojda - keys)

Creator and team leader SWINGING GUITARS TRIO - winner of the festival
TARKA 2004 GOLD composed Waldemar Lewandowski - guitar, George
Antoszkiewicz - rhythm guitar, Janusz Mirkowski - bass

Current bands:

Waldemar Lewandowski

Waldemar Lewandowski - guitar Lead
Peter Alexandrovich - bass Mirek
Wisniewski - bass Waldemar Lewandowski


Waldemar Lewandowski - guitar Grzegorz Grzyb
- drums Peter
Wrombel - keyboards
Mirek Wisniewski - bass

Since 2004, the teacher playing the acoustic guitar , classical,
Authors of electricity in the School of Music and Jazz
them. K. Komeda in Warsaw.

Bio and photos copied from the official website of the artist:

Write to Waldek (e-mail: , torment him, may come to some new reissue of this album.

And if you have to do this wrzutkę files (May bitrate 160 kbps)
Pack for odsiebie


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Free Sample Letter Asking For Financial Support

Builders in the kitchen cabinets

renovation of the kitchen so small I did

documentation here;)

Go to ImageShack ® to Create your own Slideshow

at some point I was pretty distraught, because it turned out that the pipes under the sink did not match nohow to its present size, but it could be something to convert, patch and seal ;)

Monday, March 16, 2009

What Rims Should I Get For My Avalachne

Excel replacement - replace the numbers on the amount of words

Well today I found very useful for macro code in Excel, which I think can be useful to anyone who needs to create an Excel formula such as printing KP, invoices or any other documentation, using the amount written in words. Excel does not contains such a function ready (I think it's a big sneezes.) It was therefore necessary to create such a program, which will be able to retrieve data in the form of numbers / currency and issue of new cells in the form of verbal feedback. As you can see the macro works on numbers from -99 to 99 999.99 999.99 (no but if someone has a turnover bigger, rotates more cash, I would probably get it ordered from a professional program of trained computer science, my gray beetles we must deal differently).

text macro is as follows:

verbally Function (x As Variant) As String 'for the numbers from -99 to 99 999.99 999.99
If x < 0 Then w = w & "minus "
x = Format (Abs (x), 000 000 000.00): m = Left (x, 3) t = Mid (x, 5, 3) j = Mid (x, 9, 3): g = "0" & \u200b\u200bRight (x, 2) Select Case m

Case 0 Case 1
a = "one million" Case Else

w = w & three (m)
If Mid (m, 2, 1 ) <> 1 And (Right (m, 1) = 2 Or Right (m, 1) = 3 Or Right (m, 1) = 4) Then a = a & "million" Else a = a & "million"
Select Select Case t Case

Case 1 w = w & "one thousand" Case Else

in three = in & (t)
If Mid (t, 2, 1) <> 1 And (Right (t, 1) = 2 Or Right (t, 1) = 3 Or Right (t, 1) = 4) Then a = a & "thousands" Else a = a & "thousands"

End Select Select Case j Case 0

If m = 0 and T = 0 Then w = w & "zero-gold 'Else w = w &' golden '

Case 1 If m = 0 and T = 0 Then a = a &" a gold' Else w = w & " a gold "Case Else

w = w & three (j)
If Mid (j, 2, 1) <> 1 And (Right (j, 1) = 2 Or Right (j, 1) = 3 Or Right (j , 1) = 4) Then a = a & "gold" Else a = a & "gold"

End Select Select Case Case 0 g

w = w & "zero cents"

Case 1 w = w & "one penny" Case Else

w = w & three (g)
If Mid (g, 2, 1) <> 1 And (Right (g, 1) = 2 Or Right (g, 1) = 3 Or Right (g, 1) = 4) Then a = a & "cents" Else a = a & "cents" End Select

verbally = w End Function

Function three (x As Variant) As String
x3 = Val (Left (x, 1)) x2 = Val (Mid (x, 2, 1)): x1 = Val (Right (x, 1)) x3 If
= 9 Then a = a & "nine hundred"
If x3 = 8 Then a = a & "eight hundred"
If x3 = 7 Then a = a & "seven hundred"
If x3 = 6 Then w = w & "six hundred"
If x3 = 5 Then w = w & "five hundred"
If x3 = 4 Then w = w & "four"
If x3 = 3 Then w = w & "three hundred" If
x3 = 2 Then w = w & "two hundred"
If x3 = 1 Then a = a & "hundred"
If x2 = 9 Then a = a & "ninety"
If x2 = 8 Then a = a & "eighty"
If x2 = 7 Then a = a & "seventy"
If x2 = 6 Then w = w & "sixty"
If x2 = 5 Then w = w & "fifty"
If x2 = 4 Then w = w & "forty "
If x2 = 3 Then w = w & "thirty"
If x2 = 2 Then w = w & "twenty"
If x2 = 1 Then
If x1 = 9 Then a = a & "nineteen"
If x1 = 8 Then w = w & "eighteen"
If x1 = 7 Then a = a & "seventeen"
If x1 = 6 Then w = w & "sixteen"
If x1 = 5 Then a = a & "fifteen"
If x1 = 4 Then w = w & "fourteen"
If x1 = 3 Then w = w & "thirteen"
If x1 = 2 Then w = w & "twelve"
If x1 = 1 Then a = a & "eleven" If
x1 = 0 Then w = w & "Ten"

End If If 2x <>
1 Then If x1 = 9 Then a = a & "nine"
If x1 = 8 Then a = a & "eight"
If x1 = 7 Then a = a & "seven "
If x1 = 6 Then w = w &" six "
If x1 = 5 Then w = w &" five "
If x1 = 4 Then w = w &" four "
If x1 = 3 Then w = w & "three"
If x1 = 2 Then w = w & "two"
If x1 = 1 Then a = a & "a" End If

three = a End Function

And now how it works. We enter into the Excel. Press Alt + F11. Appears we have a window of Visual Basic. From the top menu, select Insert -> Module and paste our code. Close the Visual Basic and now we can replace the values \u200b\u200bobtained from the selected cell by typing = new words (eg, A5).

This macro should be assigned to a digital security certificate, because as each macro can be stopped by Excel after turning off and turning on the program. But the thing useful. I myself hold the text of this security code in the file. Txt

not remember his name the author of this code, but in my opinion, has created something very useful, what exactly should be in a standard Excel.

Hot Water Not Working Moen Single Handle

Ski Jumping Flash game

Well, from a few days I can not tear themselves away from simple games like a Flash. But each time record keeps me from this game longer

List of my records was gradually increasing. First, barely 115 m. Then jumped 119.5 and then for a long long time could not exceed the magic number of 120m. Finally, as I punched the 124 m, then immediately and then 127.5 struggled for a long time to jump 128 m in the same game but ... I managed to jump to 129.5 shortly after jumping 130 but will not give ... All day in my free time I tried to break this record and finally succeeded. Is the boundary 130 meters beaten

proof screen:

If anyone wants to try on the hill here, please address:

If you jump more than 131 meters let me know in the comments and provide a link to the screen;)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cost Of Braces In Ontario Canada


Sanseiru kapelka is in Canada, which broke up in 2003. Its fate followed a few years ago, quite earnestly, but only recently found out that the network can find something more than scattered individual pieces.

Their style of music I personally like a little Dinosaur Jr.. from the period of Where You Been. But if you call them alternative-grunge band probably will not lie.

Since the beginning of the main driving force behind the band, Armando Roberto LoRusso was responsible for writing most of the material. There were also singing guitarist. The composition had a slight name change and probably will not say anything to anyone. Doug Ireland - drums, Andy Mallot - bass, Mike Murphy - guitar, vocals, Gavin: bass, vocals, Doug Ireland: drums, Jay Milllette: guitar

discography is as follows.

1996 years and the independent publisher Hanna-Maria Theresa , then last attempt, concerts and clumsy writing new material. Finally, in 2001, manages to record two songs, and bring pain to finish recording their second album in 2003 International . After registering with the same composition and was eventually winnowed to the band.

For those interested in all the material was thrown into the London Music Archive :

Download Hanna-Maria Teresa

Download EP

download International

Sanseiru already appeared several times on my radio Dead Skull. If you are like this band, and someone wished me a happy to let them do it: D