I'll share with you my last obsessive thought. For some time it comes for me this idea that Jesus Christ was able to build his "program", "science", "mission" based on lived experience of clinical death and back to life. I can not identify biblical moment when such an event may have occurred, but rather, selected from the history of the officially passed the 4 synoptic gospels a particular place and time which would confirm my controversial claim, but no known example of which he spent 40 days in the desert, being tempted. 40 days is a long time, you can walk down from exhaustion, heat, hunger, thirst. From this very moment you can see Jesus mobilizing action *). Something survived (in the literal sense of the word - survived). Is not this proof is that each of us looks like, or saying you can not see, you can not prove that he is an afterlife, that something of us dies, something that awaits us? Relationships
known through various more or less credible scientists (the flagship example of Raymond A. Moody, and Ian Wilson) in some way overlap with the tradition handed down from antiquity and the Middle Ages when it comes to perceptions of life after death, we have a tradition of becoming before the gates of heaven, we have court on the life, the concept of fleeting soul, the relationship of people who have survived clinical death almost tells the story of "Paradise," the reality of what they saw amazing peace and satisfaction with the new state, etc.
course as it is no one really knows. Right. But tradition may provide us some distorted the truth (that is, if Indian dies - meet on the other side or the other ghosts samanów Manitu, if she died a Catholic, says St. Peter, Jesus, Archangel Michael, etc.). Three people witnessing the event sees the same but different. But he sees something, right?
Throughout his life, considered myself an atheist. But my definition of atheism brings me closer to agostycyzmu, or some tumiwisizmu - that is, do not judge now, do not argue that is or is not. Save at the end of the brain that may be and live so that nobody is hurt. No but as I wrote at the beginning, maybe this winter depression activating me some "magical-mystical" thinking ....
*) Of course, maybe you can give a moment of resurrection, after all, based on this fact is the entire Christian faith, there is nothing that strikes the eyes in the writings of early Christians, as that's what Jesus zmartwychstał, moreover, that he taught that the Kingdom LIFE has come for everyone. Perhaps many of his teachings were given to pupils after He returned after the crucifixion (physically? spiritually lost body after all.) Pure speculation, but tempting.
As background, I propose to today's track from the album Jimmy Page's Death Wish II soundtrack - A Shadow In The City
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