Thursday, February 4, 2010

Game Playerssleep Disorder

Statistics Second Life Part 3. Statistics

Another continuation of my personal vision quarterly statistics on Second Life .

If anyone still remember the excitement Gartner curve (commonly called " Krzycha curve "), in the end I wanted the light to pick up the cup.
In short, very specifically, the point is that the cutting edge of technology after a period of splendor and glory pierwszowrażeniowego have three careers. straight up (like Facebook and Google) , instantaneous collapse, followed by resurrection and stable development of either the third version - the fate of the shots, which, when the fall begins, fall completely. revealing much, I know.
In my humble and no knowledge of economic and marketing is not supported by the opinion, SL flashed, delighted, disappointed, and never ever dropped out of the ashes are not arose. In proportion to the existence of a platform resting on its technological limbo too much longer to continue to trust in a triumphant return.
On the other hand, you can not have too much to announce the death of Second Life and should not be too fast. At least not until there is something better. Like a more satisfying (the issue of technical means).

whole misunderstanding around the issue "alive SL - SL died" show as always with ambition, goals and points of view. If someone logs on to sit on the ocean pixel, chat with friends, or buy / make a new avatar shoes should not be affected by negative changes. The client is getting better, getting richer selection of shops. All right. However, if you compare what is happening to what Linden Lab's prophetic, it is difficult to lift at least one of eyebrows in astonishment. Appetite and the plans they are not modified or slightly since the peak of the platforms. And from that perspective hard to pretend that Second Life is doing well.
If I had to prophesy (which of course you will not refuse), the uniform stawiałabym continue the status quo. Slight fluctuations on the occasion of the larger revolution, for example, the release of version 2.0 and so. Calmly and firmly with delikatniutką downward trend in the long run. Graphically, more or less how they look now indicators of Google Trends.

Second Life will remain klawym communicator and pleasant for those a bit more creative and predispositions immersjonistycznymi. Behind. Do not just enough. So much to me. Though not by continually measuring the business world Lindenów.
Indeed, true romantics one - "measure forces on intentions, not intentions on the force," he exclaimed M Linden and moved with his inflated quarterly statistics stickiness to the Business Grid.
If they manage this trick, I undertake to post bezciasteczkowego week as punishment for his unbelief.

Well, unless you adopt a different version. I just came to mind. Present with an introduction:

strength of SL is what was once one of the conference named its drawback - users are already odfajkowanym puberty. With a multitude of digital platforms is distinguished by the power of social networks to attract "large", interested in contributing Content, and transfer online'owego dating for a little more covert and dramatic level. Ultimately, this is probably boils down to. These two factors seem to be quite sufficient to provide a year Linden Lab, a continuous stream of new users. Adolescent immigrants from IMVU, There, or anything else there, restricting its range to less than "everything you totally, even more than just dress your avatar and pick up others." And although in most cases, and so probably the whole activity is limited to these two operations, it theoretically does not need. And that looks good and serious.
Here's the secret of success of Second Life - adults like how it looks serious.

My mind is therefore as follows - Linden Lab is not stupid, have long odpuściło a world of big business. This whole campaign to promote business avatars only a cover. It's really about credibility, and "gravity" social networking platforms. The point is. so afraid of her social image adult citizens are free to indulge in shame from their point of view of pastimes.
Ms. X's Head caught in buying the new pixel Shine in Second Life is not yet at a disadvantage. And a big thanks to none other, as people pocących over marketing platform. Ms. Head can be handed in weapons to defend it by Lindenów - offer for companies. On IMVU, or WoW wywinęłaby not so easy. Why would thus risk? Come to SL.
and is not intended here only to the concerns related to your manager social ostracism and gossip in the office. Linden Lab is doing for its own walls, and four private comfort. Makes sure that their client did not feel remorse, the wasting of time. Admitting to her friends for what she did at the weekend, did not have to be exposed to accusations of the night hanging out in gierce stupid or desperate for a chat, and perverts.
promote Second Life as a business platform is clearly not addressed to the business. This can be seen with the naked eye after all. (Do not say that I never noticed any discord stupid, like surrealność even pushing the idea that the conference in-world allows for better contact between the participants than the videoconference.) Of Target Company are here. Target audience is middle-class citizen who needs a background in business deals. Companies in Second Life is an Art Direction for a real client Linden Lab - for those who need an excuse, a guarantee that not spend time in a nasty and serious adult citizen.
And that once you break and log in, it suddenly begins to act like a primitive ram ... Well, in Second Life can be everything, so being a ram is included in the package.


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