Monday, March 16, 2009

What Rims Should I Get For My Avalachne

Excel replacement - replace the numbers on the amount of words

Well today I found very useful for macro code in Excel, which I think can be useful to anyone who needs to create an Excel formula such as printing KP, invoices or any other documentation, using the amount written in words. Excel does not contains such a function ready (I think it's a big sneezes.) It was therefore necessary to create such a program, which will be able to retrieve data in the form of numbers / currency and issue of new cells in the form of verbal feedback. As you can see the macro works on numbers from -99 to 99 999.99 999.99 (no but if someone has a turnover bigger, rotates more cash, I would probably get it ordered from a professional program of trained computer science, my gray beetles we must deal differently).

text macro is as follows:

verbally Function (x As Variant) As String 'for the numbers from -99 to 99 999.99 999.99
If x < 0 Then w = w & "minus "
x = Format (Abs (x), 000 000 000.00): m = Left (x, 3) t = Mid (x, 5, 3) j = Mid (x, 9, 3): g = "0" & \u200b\u200bRight (x, 2) Select Case m

Case 0 Case 1
a = "one million" Case Else

w = w & three (m)
If Mid (m, 2, 1 ) <> 1 And (Right (m, 1) = 2 Or Right (m, 1) = 3 Or Right (m, 1) = 4) Then a = a & "million" Else a = a & "million"
Select Select Case t Case

Case 1 w = w & "one thousand" Case Else

in three = in & (t)
If Mid (t, 2, 1) <> 1 And (Right (t, 1) = 2 Or Right (t, 1) = 3 Or Right (t, 1) = 4) Then a = a & "thousands" Else a = a & "thousands"

End Select Select Case j Case 0

If m = 0 and T = 0 Then w = w & "zero-gold 'Else w = w &' golden '

Case 1 If m = 0 and T = 0 Then a = a &" a gold' Else w = w & " a gold "Case Else

w = w & three (j)
If Mid (j, 2, 1) <> 1 And (Right (j, 1) = 2 Or Right (j, 1) = 3 Or Right (j , 1) = 4) Then a = a & "gold" Else a = a & "gold"

End Select Select Case Case 0 g

w = w & "zero cents"

Case 1 w = w & "one penny" Case Else

w = w & three (g)
If Mid (g, 2, 1) <> 1 And (Right (g, 1) = 2 Or Right (g, 1) = 3 Or Right (g, 1) = 4) Then a = a & "cents" Else a = a & "cents" End Select

verbally = w End Function

Function three (x As Variant) As String
x3 = Val (Left (x, 1)) x2 = Val (Mid (x, 2, 1)): x1 = Val (Right (x, 1)) x3 If
= 9 Then a = a & "nine hundred"
If x3 = 8 Then a = a & "eight hundred"
If x3 = 7 Then a = a & "seven hundred"
If x3 = 6 Then w = w & "six hundred"
If x3 = 5 Then w = w & "five hundred"
If x3 = 4 Then w = w & "four"
If x3 = 3 Then w = w & "three hundred" If
x3 = 2 Then w = w & "two hundred"
If x3 = 1 Then a = a & "hundred"
If x2 = 9 Then a = a & "ninety"
If x2 = 8 Then a = a & "eighty"
If x2 = 7 Then a = a & "seventy"
If x2 = 6 Then w = w & "sixty"
If x2 = 5 Then w = w & "fifty"
If x2 = 4 Then w = w & "forty "
If x2 = 3 Then w = w & "thirty"
If x2 = 2 Then w = w & "twenty"
If x2 = 1 Then
If x1 = 9 Then a = a & "nineteen"
If x1 = 8 Then w = w & "eighteen"
If x1 = 7 Then a = a & "seventeen"
If x1 = 6 Then w = w & "sixteen"
If x1 = 5 Then a = a & "fifteen"
If x1 = 4 Then w = w & "fourteen"
If x1 = 3 Then w = w & "thirteen"
If x1 = 2 Then w = w & "twelve"
If x1 = 1 Then a = a & "eleven" If
x1 = 0 Then w = w & "Ten"

End If If 2x <>
1 Then If x1 = 9 Then a = a & "nine"
If x1 = 8 Then a = a & "eight"
If x1 = 7 Then a = a & "seven "
If x1 = 6 Then w = w &" six "
If x1 = 5 Then w = w &" five "
If x1 = 4 Then w = w &" four "
If x1 = 3 Then w = w & "three"
If x1 = 2 Then w = w & "two"
If x1 = 1 Then a = a & "a" End If

three = a End Function

And now how it works. We enter into the Excel. Press Alt + F11. Appears we have a window of Visual Basic. From the top menu, select Insert -> Module and paste our code. Close the Visual Basic and now we can replace the values \u200b\u200bobtained from the selected cell by typing = new words (eg, A5).

This macro should be assigned to a digital security certificate, because as each macro can be stopped by Excel after turning off and turning on the program. But the thing useful. I myself hold the text of this security code in the file. Txt

not remember his name the author of this code, but in my opinion, has created something very useful, what exactly should be in a standard Excel.

Hot Water Not Working Moen Single Handle

Ski Jumping Flash game

Well, from a few days I can not tear themselves away from simple games like a Flash. But each time record keeps me from this game longer

List of my records was gradually increasing. First, barely 115 m. Then jumped 119.5 and then for a long long time could not exceed the magic number of 120m. Finally, as I punched the 124 m, then immediately and then 127.5 struggled for a long time to jump 128 m in the same game but ... I managed to jump to 129.5 shortly after jumping 130 but will not give ... All day in my free time I tried to break this record and finally succeeded. Is the boundary 130 meters beaten

proof screen:

If anyone wants to try on the hill here, please address:

If you jump more than 131 meters let me know in the comments and provide a link to the screen;)