quantum mysticism gather to write this post for almost two weeks. But it seems that gaps in knowledge so I am unable to smoothly complete. So tell me is how the unfortunate position of my arrived, hoping that someday someone will read me a competent and bored enough to be carried away by the tutor.
Well, I came to stand in front of people who wanted to hear the story from the beginning. Avatar does not apply to their discussions about whether Second Life is a game or not. "From the beginning," is from the beginning, say, from the ontology. I sighed heavily and is displeased. How can we talk about what is, since I do not know what and how is it? Guess? Yet I see at every step, that what is real for me, is true to the caller and you can argue for hours about the same, agreeing on a grid of concepts, muttering "idiot" under his breath (resp. shouting in his face in moments of rapture and impatience). The fight with the windmills in the attitude of the evangelical version of "know better" and convert the infidels to their truth does not take me (pause here for bows for always knowing better J. Shuftana, big applause for the unwavering perseverance). It has long sense of communication discern only admiring incomprehension, or even better - to understand the illusory. Except that the practical consequences of this approach are quite troublesome. Deadlock. Because what I'm supposed to say to these people? We chose to go and what the more fit and in a virtual reality podczepili ...?
I wanted to do the job quickly, without going into the dilemmas of the table of contents Tatarkiewicz, for fear that I would have to deal with, producing vomiting in my theory, that the VR fruwała somewhere in the realm of ideal entities. And then I remembered Klawe phrase from the movie, which I do not like:
What do you mean "real"? How can you define "reality"? If you're talking about what you feel, what you can smell, taste or see, the reality is just electrical impulses interpreted by your brain.
(Morpheus, The Matrix Part 1.)
clapped her hands with joy. So I find it pretty przypasowało.
As for the screen TV watching decoded data sent from the transmitter, so in this quiet, dark and cozy place so our brains decode the image, chairs, table and niedojedzonego rozbabranego dinner on a plate. The whole world made up of wavy beautiful and harmonious energy. Then there would be no ontological difference between virtual and actual reality, well, maybe except that the former would be decoded in two stages.
For the record, I sent the conclusions of his revelation to Dr. Xi. Responded by threatening a finger - "is that E = mc ^ 2, does not mean that no matter no fool you! Your idea could be validated only my Subjective Theory of Relativity. But I will not, because the theory of command gave up "(loose paraphrase of the content of e-mail).
Unfortunately, I was flat in the meantime, the deep divisions bizarre internet after a visit which is not enough that almost made my attempts to bend the spoon, it's still on Facebook, I started getting calls from the Illuminati.
a few days thinking I quite smoothly sailed toward the problems of interpretation of quantum measurements. There is something attractive and gripping the mouth. I know this is nothing new, but the perspectives from the mystical, even if not very scientific (who said that everything always has to be scientific) is definitely a fascinating enough that we were leaning over him, accompanied by a few beers.
Of course refers to the old experiment with two slits and przepuszczonymi by electrons, which behave differently when left to themselves, and different when someone looking at them. This strange for me and better than the best episodes of X-Files
Elektron, like Padre Pio, may be in several places at once. What's more - it is. And not a few, and all possible. Without dilemmas, without loss and the need to declare anything. I mean and what to choose when you can have it all? Occam's Razor seems to be just we need. Why, well-behaved electron to be adjusted, and when you look at it, reduce all their united into one - just this, to which we look. That would at least look as so. Copenhagen interpretation of Niels Bohr.
- There is one thing, I do not understand - said Alice. (Strictly speaking, this was not true, because there were many things that are not understood, and their number increased at an alarming pace, but one thing puzzled her in the highest degree). - You say that the world is normally found in this strange mixture of different states, which is reduced to one specific state when it happens that you - as the conscious mind - will look into this world. I suppose that anyone can in this way mean that something happens to the real. So what happens to the minds of other people?
- Nie wydaje nam się, abyśmy rozumieli, o co ci chodzi - odpowiedział Cesarz dobitnie, ale w tym momencie wtrącił się Nauczyciel.
- Może ja spróbuję rozwinąć pytanie tej młodej damy. Mówiliśmy wcześniej o elektronach przechodzących przez dwie szczeliny. Przypuśćmy, że zrobiłbym fotografię pokazującą elektron w trakcie przechodzenia przez jedną lub drugą szczelinę. Jeśli dobrze rozumiem, utrzymywałby pan, że skoro fotografia może pokazać, iż elektron znalazł się w którejkolwiek ze szczelin, to musi ona pokazać, it was both. Photographic film is not the conscious mind and not been able to reduce the wave function, the video would appear, therefore, two different pictures. Now suppose I'd do a few copies of this photograph, not looking at any of them. Can you say, now that every copy will also contain a mixture of different images, each of which corresponds to the transition of the electron by another slot?
- Yes - Emperor replied cautiously. - We believe that this would happen.
- If this were and if all the prints were sent to different people, the person who first opened the envelope and look at the picture, will make an image of this mixture becomes a real image, and all the other disappear?
Emperor nodded again.
Schrodinger's Kitten Wikipedia (If someone does not appreciate the importance of this experiment, its practical use has been eloquently shown -> HERE ). world is like this evil inside a box with poison Schrödinger kitten. Before the box does not open and did not check to see how she, pet can be, and so it is alive and dead simultaneously.
Well, only about that the story has continued.
Immanuel charming even remember? Because that I associated the.
In physics, it is not easier - John von Neumann (the one on game theory) decided to come to the conclusion that in the conduct referred to above on quantum measurements of the same takes place in the consciousness of the person conducting the experiment. Shortly thereafter, Bauer and London go a step further, arguing that the entire reduction in general only makes human consciousness. The observer became part of the experiment. Observing creates.
And boom!
Are the consequences should not be overwhelming!
This means that up to us where the electron states will keep it real and do?
not, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed", but those who believed they saw. I have created a world. Just like that.